Air Purifiers

Active-Pure Technology

Air Purifier

Focus on Business

Air Purifier

Focus on Family

Air Purifier

How to Clean Your Air & Surface Pro and ASP+

Air Purifier

Our Products

Air & Surface Pro+

Did you know that each of us consumes more air every day than anything else in the world? It’s true. We each breathe in over 3,000 gallons of air every day. And don’t we all want to breathe pure, fresh air?

FreshAir Focus

Hampers, trash cans, diaper pails…they’re all designed to store smelly stuff. How do you stop them from smelling up the whole room? The answer is to take one of nature’s most powerful deodorizers and target the very source of the problem; to literally focus what keeps fresh air fresh, and bring it indoors. No sprays, no perfumes – just nature.

FreshAir Mobile

In today’s modern environment with long daily commutes or your next road trip, the FreshAir Mobile is ideal for providing the cleanest, healthiest air for your car, truck, R.V. or camper. The FreshAir Mobile provides the latest in air purification technologies, utilizing ActivePure Technology which features a high intensity UVC lighting. ActivePure Technology helps create healthier spaces and is Certified Space Technology™. The FreshAir Mobile is a pocket-sized unit that significantly reduces unpleasant odors, contaminants and pollutants.

FreshAir Personal

Today’s modern indoor environments are rife with contaminants. The FreshAir Personal provides nature’s own powerful properties with a built-in ionizer that attracts free-roaming particles and captures them, reducing allergens and pollutants that invade the space you breathe. The FreshAir Personal creates an almost particle-free zone around the wearer by generating high intensity ion streams that add charges to nearby airborne particles.


A new and improved version of a previously available cleaner, Re:Move fits perfectly with LaundryPure to replace chemical-based laundry pre-treaters. For clothing stains, wet the stained area with warm water and apply Re:Move full strength, then wash as you normally would with LaundryPure. It’s also a great all-purpose household cleaner – just dilute with water.


A classic air purifier, the ClassicAir is designed and built with long-standing, proven technology for a reliable, easy-to-adjust solution to indoor smoke and odors. Whether it’s smoke from cooking, tough to eliminate tobacco smoke, or just the odors they leave behind, the ClassicAir has the power to get the job done, leaving nothing but fresh-smelling, clear air where it’s needed.

When ready to order contact Active Healthy Lifestyles 614-506-6622 and/or directly order from

Active Pure Technology in the Purifiers – Why it matters

We offer a variety of products to meet your healthy lifestyle needs. We can clean your air of allergy and asthma triggers, dust, bacteria, kills germs, mildew an mold, smoke, pollens, toxins, dirt and dust mites. Please check out other posts for your specific air quality need. Learn more with scientific research PDF’s linked below.

Scientific Studies

Scientific testing has demonstrated the use of ActivePure® Technology to substantially reduce airborne and surface contaminants.


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Laundry Pure

Without using hot water or detergent, LaundryPure puts the technology of nature to work in the laundry room at home. Based on processes used for over a decade in hospitals, hotels, and Laundromats, cold water is infused with oxygen, peroxides, and other gases to bubble and lift dirt and grime from cloth fibers, leaving towels softer and fluffier, and clothes brighter and cleaner.

Plus, every load helps save energy and money. Reducing or eliminating detergent means less residue and abrasives to weigh down and wear out fabrics, and of course, less detergent to buy. Washing in cold water reduces the weekly demand on the household water heater and the energy bill.



Daily rental of our Fresh Air Surround is perfect for removing odors such as smoke, skunk, stale air, cooking odors, and the list goes on. This is especially useful for those renting or selling a home or moving into a home or rental that has odor issues.
Minimum rental is 24 hours. You can save by picking up unit from the Active Healthy Lifestyle’s office.

Daily rental can be applied to the purchase of a new purifier if purchased within 7 days. If you purchase between days 8-14, one half of the rental price will be applied to your new purifier. This does not include delivery charges.


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